Fort Grunt

Friday, June 30, 2006

Summer Projects

So we've got some administrative type stuff to do. We'll (obviously) keep cracking on the work in the studio, but I thought we should get some of the other stuff in order, with the goal of having it done by September, August will be busy for both of us so maybe trying to get the bulk of this done in July would be a good idea.

1. Get a good artist statement done- I think we made pretty good progress on this last weekend, it would be a good idea to get a concise statement down, esp. with grant deadlines coming up.

2. Design and build websites (BCAC, Aquarium, Fort Grunt)- this shouldn't take that long, we don't have a lot to archive or anything yet, but getting the design down will take a little time.

3. Write and edit first Fort Grunt Quarterly.

4. Get whatever needs to be done to participate in Culture Crawls, etc- most of this will be done as other things are finished (FGW, statement, work, etc)

5. Write application for emerging artist grant at the Durham Arts Council- there will be a couple of info meetings for this too, in late August, we should make sure to attend, but getting the materials ready over the summer will be important. I'll keep an eye out for other opps.

6. Finalize things for the Aquarium- beginning schedule, application procedures, advertising. Work out maybe showing other work by same artist on the wall near the door.

7. Screen print postcard, with information for Fort Grunt on the back- this won't take that long if done after the website, etc is done, re: when the graphic decisions are made.


1. Finish at least an episode each of Abel Sanchez and library comics.

2. Finish enough of the War in Heaven pieces to come to a resolution on them.

3. 10 to 15 finished pieces that work together as one. We may already have five there, or very close.

4. Finish the six angry sea life paintings for the window.


At 6:04 AM, Blogger Lou said...

1. I can show you some I have, and some I've written, but they're generally focused at a specific audience (for a crit, a show, etc), and I think we should start with a general "this is what we do" sort of thing. Talk about how we're working together, why that is, concepts behind the work, techniques and materials, formal elements. It shouldn't be more than half a page if we can help it.

2. i'm trying. it's not that hard to actually do, we're not going to do any flash or animations to start at least. we can at least talk about the general look and design, and i can start as soon as i can.

3. agreed

5. yeah. i emailed margaret from the dac and she suggested we might (maybe) be able to apply for a grant for the aquarium, but the funds wouldn't be available until fall 2007, ouch. will look this afternoon with the nc art council.

6. the internet is down at my place, i'm not sure why.

7. oh shit a man didn't bust out the stars...


1. yeah

2. i mean to a point where the next moves are a little more predicatable, that there's more coherence among the pieces. piecing them into the 8x10ft wholes is a step in this direction, though i imagine this and the statement will come together, um, together.

3. hear hear!

4. that seemed to be the case, but the other work is moving along. might be tricky keeping all these stream going (the war in heaven, the two comics, the window, your window project, administrative type stuff...), i can work more on the admin (putting fgw together, the websites, researching shows and grants, applications, etc) through to the fall, when we can maintain these things, which won't take as much time as creating them...


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