War in Heaven II (images in progress)
These are the most recent work on the War in Heaven, at this point a war between living, dead and undead figures. Oringinally we were thinking of making these as long horizontal strips, to be combined, possibly in rows, but eventually as you can see when you scroll down, we decided to combine them, similar to how the gridded work was going. In these works, I think it will still be important to keep the horizontal compositions reading left to right in the rows even with some parts overlapping- that is, to let things bleed over on adjacent panels to the left and right, but try and keep the divisions between panels from top to bottom strong.
Some of the focus of this has gotten lost in the burping out of ideas, but I think this will get pulled together when thinking about them as whole pieces. This also seems to work with our way of building up and tearing down imagery. Especially as we start to run out of my terrible prints from OWU to paint over...

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