Things at the Fort are slowly taking shape- September is approaching, and it's time to bear down and plow though some projects, as well as wrap up some administrative things-
1. We've been pissing around with the postcard idea, which should definitely get this done soon. You've got some ideas for a comics-based card- perhaps I'll balance that out with one of my own, and then one or two combinations of our work. We can print 4 at a time with our screens, so that should work out well.
2. Applications for some things are coming due, in particular the DAC Emerging Artist Grant, along with apps for the 1708 Gallery in Richmond, the Second Street gallery in Charlottesville, and Lump in Raleigh. There are more rolling around in October, more on that later.
3. The website(s). Still taking time, unfortunately. Perhaps I'll try and meet with Mike for some help next week.
4. Fort Grunt Quarterly. Seems unlikely to get going unless you feel like starting it, or writing your parts out/scanning your comics. Seems like the lowest priority, unless you're really gung-ho about it.
Of course this is addition to the work, I think we can finish up the larger pieces and get a number of the smaller drawings down and framed for Centerfest/Culture Crawl.
Big ones to finish- the 2 mylar (war in heaven) pieces, the meteor of tentacles 12 parter, the larger map 12 parter, the two other grid pieces, the 3 part white houses in green muck, and the two explosions. I think those last two could be worked over with the small elements from the small drawings. The tornado/fish painting and the bug over the buildings seem to need a complete reworking.
And finally, some images from recent stuff. This one started out a little too derivative of some things I've been looking at, Ben blew this one away, now moving towards a map/flat surface with some other elements to be added, more three-dimensional.

Other studio views in the last few weeks-